Friday, December 18, 2009

Photoshoped Diving Board

Photoshoped Diving Board, originally uploaded by Sophie C 2009.

This is still the Touched Up Lady unit but something else.I touched up the diving board so it looks like the lady is diving off of nothing. I think it was loads of fun and it was really easy. It looks really funny. I like it a lot.

Tilted School and Tree

Tilted School and Tree, originally uploaded by Sophie C 2009.

This unit we did Digital Photography. I like this photo because it has tilt and it looks pretty. We were taught to tilt the camera or add a perspective to the photos more interesting. We were in groups and we each took many photos. It was a grey day so the photos weren't as good as they could be.

Line Tile Clones

This project we had to make clones and put designs on them. At first it was difficult to understand and I made many mistakes.But after a few practises it became easier. This is my favourite because it looks like the lines are glowing. I enjoyed this project.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Group Project

Group Project, originally uploaded by Sophie C 2009.

This picture I did with a team of Nicole, Beatriz and Patricia. Together we chose the picture then split the jobs up. I did the background with the sun. Once everyone had done their part they all put it onto classworks and I imported them then put them in their places, made them bigger or made them smaller to make this final picture. Then I uploaded it to classworks so they could all grab it.

I found this really easy. After choosing the picture it became easy and we did it really quickly. I would love to do another!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Edited Feet

Edited Feet, originally uploaded by Sophie C 2009.

For this unit we started Digital Photography. First of all we went outside on a nice day and took loads of photos of different things. Here in this photo I took our feet (from the bottom clockwise, me, Johnie, David, Patricia and Beatriz). Then we went back inside, uploaded the photos and photoshoped them with the filters.

The second picture is the original of the photoshoped photo.

Touched Up Lady

Touched Up Lady, originally uploaded by Sophie C 2009.

We started touching up faces like they do for magazines. This is my first attempt. We used the clone stamp tool to get rid of wrinkles, lines etc. I also made the teeth look whiter.

I found this quite easy. The only tricky part was that you had to make sure that no one could see the stamp on the part of the face. Apart from that it was easy. It was also lots of fun.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Simple Tesselation

Simple Tessellation, originally uploaded by Sophie C 2009.

We started to do tessellations. Here is my simple tessellation that you can multiply to make different designs. This is a basic tile.

I enjoy making tiles because you can make different them different shapes and colours. You can also put things on top.

I found this quite easy. Once you have the method it is really easy.